PebbleBay.Com conforms to W3C web standards (specifically XHTML 1.0 Strict). We have also ensured that the website follows WAI Priority Level 2 accessibility guidelines. We are committed to improving the development and accessibility of the website and expect further improvements in the near future. Please contact us if there is anything you would like to know or discuss.
Accessibility features
Basic accessibility features
All images clearly labelled with alternative text.
Visual effects
No fast or distracting flickering of image content.
Site map
A site map has been produced for easier access to all pages within the website.
All form input elements clearly labelled.
Scaleable font sizes
Fonts can be enlarged within the browser, for users who require larger, legible text.
Site functions
The website will function correctly without scripting or rich-media plug-ins. This means if you do not have Javascript or Adobe Flash turned on or installed, you will still be able to browse Pebble Bay content.
Colour scheme
All content links are clearly marked as blue text with link underlines.
General event browsing has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use for all users.
If you are experiencing difficulties in using this website, please contact the developers, RokmanLaing Professional Services Marketing or email